
Home > En > Michael > 1.Introduction
Julien Moorrees
In the last part of the 20th century people got used to the idea of the destruction of humankind and earth. There were many prophecy's, tales and ideas that described "the end times" would be take place in the last years of the 20th century. If humankind was left to it's faith they would probably have created an "end".

Many planets although were willing to grow and were much more interested in the Golden age. Throughout  the whole galaxy and also from earth the indigo- and crystalchildren were summoned to help in this process. Heroic and beautiful souls, highly evolved souls, mastersouls......that got the task to break through the stagnated systems. Their goal: to rise the level of consciousness so that humankind could go to the 5th dimensional earth and function as multidimensional human masters or angels. This process is also known as the resurrection.

For several years now there have been great changes in the spiritualworld of humankind. This document is a bundling of messages received from the archangel Michaël. These messages tell us about the new earth and the new humans, which many people have already discovered. I've named the collection of these messages "Merudi". For other languages or reactions I gladly refer to

With this I hope the way to the new world is understandable and easy for everyone.

It's a sensational time!

Julien Moorees


Social Services


The new time
1.1You're not alone

Kosmische Stralen