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The lack of soul and identity is compensated by the enormous ego that the Angel-Human has. Although the large ego is necessary, to enable an Angel-Human creating ideas and decisions quickly, it also stands in the way of reasoning. The superego often causes the Angel-Humans to loose themselves in their own thoughts. She is no longer able to make a calculated decision based on rationality and a correct feeling.

Because of the superego she is not used to make mistakes and for this reason she regularly does not want see her own errors. Although the Angel-Human has the gift for being almost flawless, the Angel-Human is not infallible. This shortcoming is masked by the superego, which will not show this out of self-protection.

Because of this superego people often experience the Angel-Human as egocentric. Although the Angel-Human is here for the people, this ego acts also as natural shield. It repels the not so pensive and not so strong people, where by means of natural selection, automatically the stronger are helped by the Angel-Human. This, by the superego created distance is a self protective mechanism that prevents wasting time and inefficiency.

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